Sunday, 21 April 2013

6 Types of College Professors

After nearly a year at university, I have pretty much encountered mostly, if not all, types of university professors. From the bore to the colourful and to the professor who always has a coffee in his hand, you name it, I've seen it all! So here are the 6 most common university professors/lecturers/tutors that you will encounter while studying at university!

1. The coffee-junkie.

Ahh, yes. The coffee-junkie. I distinctly remember a lecturer I once had for a Microeconomics class (I won't say any names here). For 13 straight weeks, she always had coffee sitting next to her- sipping in between teaching and always going to get EXTRA coffee every time we had a break. Maybe it was the fact that it was an 8:30AM lecture or that she was teaching a boring subject but hey, I can't blame her. We all need that coffee hit once in a while.

2. The sarcastic ^%$*@

"Sharp as a blade (intellectually speaking) and ready to slice at any moment. That opening sentence you spent hours working on? Cut down in one pithy jibe. That question you thought sounded pretty reasonable? Laughed into the grave." 

Hmm. The sarcastic one. I've encountered a few of these lecturers/teachers and they always provide the lecture with a lot of entertainment. It's always funny to see someone be the victim of this type of professor but if you're the victim it's a bit embarrassing and they do take a bit of time to get used to. I remember having a sarcastic teacher in my last year of high school and I was one of the victims of her 'sarcasticness' (I know that's probably not a word but pffffffff). I sort of really disliked her at the start of the year, but towards the end of the year between Shakespeare monologues and the last few months of high school and freedom, she became my favourite teacher. 

3. Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Sir/Lord/Madam/Count Nice

Yeah...I went a bit overboard with the title there. Mr/Ms Nice usually "...operates an open-door policy, always ready for a chat, and if you pop in you'll probably be offered a nice cup of tea and some of those biscuits shaped into little animals. They also have a reputation for never giving anyone a bad mark."

This type of lecturer is reaaaaally nice...too nice. Makes you think twice if they actually vomit rainbows and fart cute little fluffy bunnies and eat love and hearts for lunch. Maybe they're plotting world domination and are just buttering up their students to become their minions in their master grand plan. Who knows...but be suspicious...very suspicious. No lecturer/tutor will give you full marks

4. The fun lecturer

For anyone who has or had a fun/party lecturer, you lucky bastard. Fun lecturers are F.U.N! Always up for a good time and asking students how their Friday night was. They make your classes extra fun and you don't even feel like you're doing any work! They almost feel like your friend. Almost.

5. The bore

WHY do they make boring lecturers teach boring subjects?!!!!?!?!??! That's DOUBLE the boring level. There have been times where I have contemplated shooting myself with a BB gun. Repeatedly. That monotonous voice. Their dull appearance. Their attempt at making 'funny jokes'. No. Just no. 

Pretty much sums up how I feel about boring lecturers

Hey, Mr. Boring, you can't blame me if I've started to daydream about cows and fluffy sheep and how long it would take for barnacles to start developing on yo boring stiff ass.

6. Mr. Talkative

Last but certainly not least, the talkative lecturer. I can't say that I've encountered a lot of these while at university, but I'm sure there are lots of them. It's even worse once they start going off topic. OMG. WHY. 

I'll give you an example. In high school, I once had this English teacher who, for the sake of him, won't give any names. Mr. Egypt, we'll call him. Egypt? Why Egypt? BECAUSE EGYPT IS ALL HE TALKS ABOUT. Now, It might be all good and dandy if it was a History class. But it wasn't. It was a friggin English class. Every time we would even come remotely close about the topic of Egypt, BAM! He's off on an hour long story about Egypt and how he was nearly killed at gun-point.

Sure, it was entertaining at the start, but hearing it almost everyday for 2 years? Nu-uh. Nope. Nada. Zilch. There were some advantages of having a talkative teacher though. We, as students, could always make him go off-topic and provide us stories of mummies and how the pyramids were made by aliens instead of learning about gender differences in today's society. Yay.

So there you have it! The 6 types of lecturers you'll encounter while studying at university. Good luck if you ever have to encounter 'the bore'. 

Happy studying!


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