Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Uni Fashion Stereotypes

So you've left high school (no more yucky uniforms) and finally a chance to express yourself through clothes! yay. No more conformity, no more strict rules, nothing. Freedommmmmmmmmmm.

Here are few fashion (non)statements we've seen around campus:

1. The geek 

Whether intentional or not, super cute.

2. The Fashionista

Hair done, makeup done, nails done, labels, labels, labels, labels, labels. Looks like a million bucks, and probably costs as much too.

3. The cbf (can't be fucked)

Seen on occasion in pyjamas, thongs, the shirt they wore yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before... They wear what they want and don't give a shit.

4. The band tee

For the metalheads:

Slipknot, Metallica, Pantera, Opeth, Cradle of Filth, Children of Bodom, Cannibal Corpse, The blacker the better...black jeans black chucks black jacket black everything!!!! woooo!

And everyone else:

5. The Hipster

Wears hawaiian shirts, ironically. Uses a plastic bag for school books, ironically. Whatever it is, everything's put together effortlessly.

6. Smexy.

I've tried to recall what, but all I can remember is...

her eyes. ;)

7. The Questionable

8. Everyone else

We're just trying to find our feet here. And that's a good thing, because it's all about exploration and expression, doing and wearing things you can't when you're working. Have fun!


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