Monday 8 April 2013

Uni Library

We should have a bigger or more libraries.
In City Campus we have too small library.

At NorthRyde Campus, we have a big library but I have found some difficulties to find a seat during the exam period. Sometimes on normal days as well.
We should have more libraries. We should have a library for each different department of education.
Some of my friends from MQC told me that, the library at NorhRyde Campus is too far from some buildings in Uni. For example, Sydney Uni students have LAW LIBRARY, SCI-TECH LIBRARY and so on. They have enough places to study whenever they want.
We should have more available seats/places to study during the exam period. Many students are international students, most of them do not have appropriate quiet places to study at home.
If there are many libraries, it provides students more opportunities to study hard.

AHSOD1101 Sol Ahn

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